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Hello from a novice

Poster: bertha@funky.chick (That Funky Chick)

Hello Atlantians!  I just found this merry group, so please excuse me
if I commit a faux pas due to my ignorance of the customs... I
remember over a year ago that I saw (on the web site for the Barony of
Windmaster Hill) that there were armory practices most Sundays around
one o'clock.  At the time I was unable to come out and watch (and
hopefully participate), but now the family's schedules have changed
and my husband can watch the sprats on Sundays.  Are these practices
still held on Sundays?  Might I be allowed to join?  (I would come by
the SCA meetings on Thursdays, but he is rarely home from work in time
to take charge of the children...)

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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
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