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War Practice

Poster: Phillip Jones <jonesj@FTC-I.NET>

Kestrel's Keep would like to thank those who came to Southern War
Practice for a wonderful time! We had 10 or so who took Vidar up on his
offer to pay for their first event, and from all reports they had a
great time, and will be back. I highly recommend this to other groups,
but doubt if Vidar will pay for your events:)

We'd also like to thank those in attendance for doing such a great job
of cleaning. Site closed officially at 12:00, and we were able to leave
at 12:15 because so little clean-up was needed. VIVAT!!!

Another thank you to those who took such good care of the fighters. I
was well watered, and one kind soul even gave me half a sandwich. Thank

And to you fighters: Thanks for helping to provide a target rich
environment. I had a blast.
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