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death of a good cup

Poster: Cole <j4j4u4wm@coastalnet.com>

ladypez wrote:
> Poster: "ladypez" <ladypez@weblnk.net>
> Hello, everyone!  Does anyone know if Sir Kai is online?Lady Mordrea (sp?) is online but I don't know if she's on the mailing 
list and my address book is eating addresses again so I can't find 'er

> I would just like to let him know that I was glad to hear that his lovely> tenor had not turned to saprano after that shot a Southern 
Regional this> weekend past.  The death of a good cup is such a terrible 
thing!  Ha!  You> never did get him back, Kai!
> And you're damn glad too.  Careful, Pezie....don't taunt the man... I'd 
like to have a nephew named Nick someday.  Besides I hate to hear you 

wuv woo
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