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Poster: Christoph Hintze <chhintze@bmd.clis.com>

Good gentles of Atlantia,

I have read the posts on travelling with amusement and empathy.  My Shire
has recently had some of this come up.  (I am the Seneschal for Cathanar,
which is on the central east coast of North Carolina.)  Central to Atlantia?
It is about three and a half to four hours to get to Windmasters', to
Marinus, to just about any group in the Kingdom but Seareach and Raven's Cove.

I moved here from the Barony of NorthWoods, in Lansing, Michigan and was I
SPOILED!  There was an event within and hour and a half every MONTH.  I had
the problem of having to pick and choose events, as there was so MUCH going
on that I could get to and I just couldn't do it all.  (Sob.  I know.)

Now the GOOD news.  (Of COURSE that's why I'm writing!  Getting all set for
another complaint, eh?)  

Although my event radius has moved out to about 3 1/2 hours instead of 1
1/2, I am now finding myself put in the position of having to pick and
choose events because there is just so MUCH going on.  Do I go to Feast of
Fools?  or the N.C. Renaissance Festival?  They both sound like so much FUN.

Maybe neither, because funds ARE limited, and starting in April, there is an
event a month planned within a 2-hour drive from Cathanar.  For real!!
April is Sheep Raids, May our Shire is planning a camping event, in June
there are rumors that Raven's Cove will revive Peasant's Revolt, and in July
there is the infamous Cathanar Rapier Workshop.

Maybe I am seeing things, but it seems like there is more than ever on the
calendar.  I find it hard to be gloomy about this state of affairs.

I realize this is a bit off the topic of having to travel for things like
Curia and the upcoming BoD meeting.  I don't know how to get around that or
make it better.  (I guess on this one, my Midrealm experience has been
exactly the opposite:  there's no WAY to put on something close to
everybody.  Distance problem in Atalntia?  Ha!  But then, we're not the

There is only one thing I can think of:  if you want these things, find a
site near you and BID on them.  Over and over.  Who knows - in a moment of
weakness, someone may take you up on it!  I understand the reason University
is not scheduled farther in advance is a lack of bids.  Hmm.  (Cathanar is
currently scouting sites for a bid on the Nov/Dec session.)

There are also solutions such as carpooling and cutting costs by bringing
your own food - offboard.  Sure, it's a pain, but read some SCA history - it
used to be, no one had any money and everyone did it that way.  Finally, if
you can't bring yourselves to the Kingdom, bring what you can home to you -
the Cathanar Rapier Workshop started out that way.  I am going to be trying
all of these in the future.

In service,
Lady Katriona of NorthWoods, Seneschal for the Shire of Cathanar
Things are happening on the coast. . . .(TM)

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