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Poster: nix@iolinc.net (Malone)

Hey why waste the bandwidth just to complain?
	If people think the demo in question is a good idea they will
participate, if not, then the idea will surely become one more of those
things that inspires groans.
	Personally I like it! I know from experience that the personal events
and favors are more inspiring for potential new members than the
anonymous library events. Besides if you get one of a group of friends
you often get the whole bunch, and they readily assume your nice people
since you do kids parties!
	On the down side I am very new to this area (Richmond,VA - Caer Maer(I
think)) and am not completely sure I could find it. If there is going to
be a demo and someone has some faith in my navigational abilities please
send me more info!

Asha Hito
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