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Ladle Rat Rotting Hut

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

In the face of overwhelming requests, here it is, all of it!  :)

I have to confess that the following is not quite original.  I saw it years
ago but couldn't find it when I wanted it and had to re-create it.

You may rest assured that it has been run through a word-processing
spell-checker, which only blinked at 'dirk'.  And good SCAdians know that's
a perfectly good word, right?  :)  
Gather round the hearth, children, and Mama Alanna will tell you the story of

                LADLE RAT ROTTING HUT

        Ounce pawn thyme dare vast a ladle gull hew lift inner ladle
cordage honor itch over dirk fairest.  Tea ladle gull's murder maid hair a
rat cluck wit a hut, sew tea ladle gull vast culled 'Ladle Rat Rotting
        Won die Ladle Rat Rotting Hut's murder scent hair honor errant two
tea order site off tea fairest, two teak hair grunt-murder a basked off
cockeyes.  But honor whey Ladle Rat Rotting Hut hopping dew meat wit a Beg
Bat Woof.
        "Gut mourning, Ladle Rat Rotting Hut," sad tea Beg Bat Woof.  "Wear
hour ewe gong teddy?"
        "Eye aim gong two Grunt-murder's cordage, two teak hair sum cock-
eyes," sad Ladle Rat Rotting Hut.
        Sew tea Beg Bat Woof, hew new ill tea wheeze off tea fairest, vent
buy an udder pat end retched Grunt-murder's cordage forest.  Dare tea avail
Woof lapped pawn pour Grunt-murder end hate hair hop!
     Den tea Beg Bat Woof putt awn Grunt-murder's close end gut inner bet.
     Ladle Rat Rotting Hut nicked awn tea doer end wend inner cordage.
Dare vast tea Woof inn Grunt-murder's bet.
     "Grunt-murder!  Watt beg ice ewe heave!" sad Ladle Rat Rotting Hut.
     "Tea batter two sea ewe wit, may deer," sad tea Beg Bat Woof.
     "End Grunt-murder, watt a beg knows ewe heave!" sad Ladle Rat Rotting
     "Tea batter two small ewe wit, may deer," sad tea Beg Bat Woof.
     "End Grunt-murder, watt beg teat ewe heave!" sad Ladle Rat Rotting
     "Tea batter two EIGHT ewe wit, may deer!" end tea Beg Bat Woof lapped
four Ladle Rat Rotting Hut!
     Butt ate hopping tat a would-gutter vast gutting would inner fairest,
end herd Ladle Rat Rotting Hut's scrims.  Hay dished inn two tea cordage
end wit a meaty below off is hex hay stork tea Beg Bet Woof's had oaf!
lapped from tea dad woof, four tea avail woof head swelled hair hole!
     Sew accept four tea pour dad woof, thigh awl lift apply heaver hefter.


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