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Re: University, the South, Statistics, and an Invitation

Poster: Alys of Foxdale <foxdale@wolfstar.com>

> It's Dafydd again! (ta-DAH! :^)

> About University, Eldred asks:
> > IF you want me to show you my opinion, I'd love to go to a class on
> > making stained glass.  I'd also like to go to a class on constructing
> > and decorating (simple) portable buildings (hint, hint).
> Hmmm.  I think it was two Universities ago that I taught the SCA
> architecture class.  I don't really want to teach a stained glass class,
> because I don't make stained glass, I make painted plastic.  It looks like
> stained glass from a short distance, but it won't break and therefore I
> can take it to events.  Also, the materials are both expensive and toxic.

I remember taking a class on making stained glass at a University in 
the not so very distant past.  (It might have been in Isenfir; it
might have been in Stierbach.  All I definitely remember is that it
was in Virginia, and less than five years ago.)

Now, I can't swear to this, but I did retain the impression that the
teacher was from the south.  (Of course, in light of the previous
parenthetical, that may mean no more than that she was from upper
North Carolina!)

Perhaps if we raise a sufficiently large outcry she will volunteer her
time and talents again.  At the very least, someone may know who I'm
talking about, which would be good, because I can't remember her name
to save my life!

   Alys of Foxdale        | Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@wolfstar.com      |     argent, a fox passant gules.
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