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Kidfest Demo

Poster: Christoph Hintze <chhintze@bmd.clis.com>

The Shire of Cathanar invites one and all to join us at the North Carolina
Kidfest, Atlantic Beach, NC, Saturday, June 7, 1997 from 10-6.  (We realize
this is the same weekend as University (sigh) but we are not able to
reschedule Kidfest, nor can we afford to pass it up.)

This will be our third year with Kidfest, and they are already looking
forward to having us.  This year Nickelodeon will be there doing several
shows, so there will be huge crowds and possible national exposure.

Our area is severely limited, so there is no room for camping or large
melees, but we will have a decent list area.  We plan to run a 10-15 minute
heavy fighting demo on the hour, and a similar fencing demo on the half
hour.  In between, we'd like to demonstrate A&S - both individual projects
and dancing - and run kids' games.  We encorage artisans to bring their
easily portable projects and anything that can be done hands-on and shared
with the kids.

We may not cook or have fires, but we are encouraged to bring a picnic-style
lunch (feast gear, please!) or patronize the food vendors.

To the best of my knowledge there is no entry fee.  (There has not been in
the past.)  Parking is at a premium in Atlantic Beach, and we are trying to
arrange for SCAdian parking so that we don't have to mess with the shuttle
bus.  Please let us know _in advance_ if you will need parking.  There is no
tenting, and hotels will likely be expensive (Down here, "the Season"
doesn't involve mistletoe & holly), but we can arrange crash space.

DIRECTIONS:  From North and West:  Take your best route to Hwy 70 through
Morehead City.  Shuttle bus parking is at Carteret Community College, right
across from the hospital.  Else, continue into town until you reach the
Atlantic Beach bridge (to Hwy 58).  Turn right.  ***When you reach the first
stoplight, we should be directly ahead.  Follow the directions of the nice
folks in blue uniforms with regard to parking.
        From East:  Take Hwy 70 through Morehead City.  Either turn left at
the Atlantic Beach Bridge and follow from *** above, or continue on and park
at the Community College.
        From South:  At Cape Carteret, either take Hwy 58 up the island, in
which case you should know when you're getting close, or take Hwy 24 to Hwy
70, and follow North & west directions.

Anyone with kid games or ideas for kid games should contact Lady Katriona of
NorthWoods at chhintze@bmd.clis.com OR 919-726-0612 OR Box 574, Newport, NC

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