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FW: [SCA-WEST:8432] Fwd: [Roll du Memorie]
Poster: Louise Sugar <dragonfyr@tycho.com>
Just thought I'd pass this on
From: Terry L. Neill[SMTP:Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 1997 12:07 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [SCA-WEST:8432] Fwd: [Roll du Memorie]
All -
This is from the An Tir list.
They've been collecting an e-list of An Tirians who have passed away since
shortly after Her Serene Highness The Dowager Princess Janeltis Starfollower
died. Now this man is attempting to increase that list for all gentles in the
known world.
- Anarra
>Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 13:23:01 -0600
>From: yeoman@dlcwest.com (Affinity's Antiques)
>Subject: Roll du Memorie
> Good gentles of the Knowne World, the SCA is now 30 years old. We
>read and recreate these current middle ages through the writings and
>histories of those who have long past away, yet we remember them , to
>celebrate their knowledge and skills. There is a group of gentles who are
>not written of and many not remembered, I speak of those travellers to the
>undiscovered country from whose borne none return, the final journey needs
>a chronicle so that the past will not fade away.
> Greetings, my name is His Lordship Yeoman Alen Bendbow from the
>Kingdom of An Tir, the Principality of Avacal , in the shire of
>Sigelehundas. I have been in the SCA for nearly 7 years and have lost 4
>friends to the reaper's scythe. In searching and in finding some way to
>chronicle not only their passing but of those I have never met nor heard
>of, the idea came in two parts.
> To create a roll to record in precedence those in the SCA who have
>passed away. I need help across the SCA to search newsletters and to have
>those who have lost those our gentle friends to send the information to me.
>This roll will be updated to AS 35 at which time another gentle interested
>in chronicling this roll will take over.
> To create the Book of Memories, again in precedence with at least
>one page per gentle to a maximum of 10 pages. These pages will be created
>by those who wish
>scribe a place for the memories of each gentle. For those gentle on the
>roll who have no one to create a page, I am gathering the names of scribes
>and illuminators to help create the page. For my own part, I will be
>researching and building and binding the book, as well as doing doing
>scribal activities.
> The information needed now is for the Roll :
>Date of Passing
>SCA Name(s)
>SCA group at the time
>Mundane Name
>a YES or NO on whether there
>is someone to create the page
>Send to :
>Alen Bendbow
>c/o Trent Becker
>4143 Argyle Street
>Regina, SK, Canada
>S 4 S 3 L 8
>E-mail : yeoman@dlcwest
> I look forward to seeing the mail and recording the history. In service
>to the SCA and the Dream, HLS Yeoman Alen, First Chronicler of the Honour
>of Memorie
>Please post to SCA newsletters and all kingdom mailing lists. Thank you.
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