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[MR] When a body meets a body...

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

> As a male heterosexual, I will find it offensive if a man in
> woman's clothing kisses me on the lips without invitation,
> regardless of the gender they are portraying. 

I am also a male heterosexual, but I will find it offensive if
either a man or a woman, dressed as either a lord or a lady,
kisses me on the lips without invitation.

When it comes to invited kisses, I prefer to be kissed by
women dressed as ladies.  But I think this attitude is a
modern one.  For example, in "Tirant lo Blanc", the Byzantine
Emperor kisses Tirant full on the lips (rather than let Tirant
kiss his feet) as a sign of respect for him, while (in a
later scene) Tirant is able to kiss and caress the Princess
only by pretending to be the Princess's handmaiden.
I think that male-to-male or female-to-female kissing was
considered more proper than male-to-female kissing (outside
of marr'age) precisely because it was unthinkable (or at
least unspeakable) that it would lead to anything more.

-- Alfredo
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