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Boat Wars Date

Poster: Joyce Baldwin <jocetta@ibm.net>

(Redheaded woman wanders in with distracted look, carrying a large spoon)

Good gentles, I fear there has been an error in the Acorn.  Boat Wars is 
being held the first weekend in May (May 2-4) not on Memorial Day weekend 
(May 23-25).  We changed it as soon as Crown released the first weekend 
so that we would not conflict with Emerald Joust.  It was supposed to be 
corrected in this month's Acorn ... I expect it will be correct in the 
May issue which should be fine if you get it first class.  So if you 
could tell anyone you know who was thinking of attending, we'd appreciate 
it.  I'm cooking for it and I don't think the food will keep for three 
weeks...and I've already bought all that beef...

You can contact me with any special dietary requests-I can probably do 
something with advance notice (hint, hint).

I'm sorry to disturb you all -- thanks for your attention.  By the way, 
shouldn't someone pull that hatchet thingie out of the wall - someone 
might bump into it.

(Wanders back out muttering "I really have to test that custard tart 
recipe, and I think the honey oat cake needs more salt....")

Lady Jocetta Thrushlegh of Rowansgarth

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