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forwarded internet message

Poster: Sherry Hintze <chhintze@bmd.clis.com>

Got this off Rapeirnet, and am forwarding it, as it may be of interest.  As
Oded says, you may wish to act on it.

Lady Kat

>Hallo friends:  you may wish to act on this
>Cheers,  Oded

>> We have understood that a few Neo-Nazi groups are trying to create
>> (again) a usenet group where they want to keep in contact with each
>> regarding their activities. I believe it is not necessary to dwell
>> further on these activities.
>> The group is rec.music.white-power
>> To create such a group, they have to win a referendum that is
>> always organised when a new usenet group is created.
>> All persons with an email address, and only those, can vote in this
>> referendum.
>> It is IMPORTANT to vote only once, otherwise the vote is cancelled.
>> To prevent the creation of this group, you have to:
>> 1. Send this message to people you know
>> 2. Send an email to the following address:
>>        music-vote@sub-rosa.com
>>    with as contents (not 'subject') ONLY the following line:
>>        I vote NO on rec.music.white-power
>> Since the vote is automatic, it is IMPORTANT to send the exact line
>> as it is given above, without adding anything, not even a name.
>> And please send it only once or it becomes invalid !
James S. Skinner, Ph.D.
Department of Kinesiology, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN

Mailing address: 	National Institute for Fitness and Sport
			250 University Boulevard
			Indianapolis, IN  46202-5192

Tel:	317-278-2616
Fax:	317-278-2617
Email:	jskinner@indyunix.iupui.edu

+                  --- --- --- --- End --- --- --- ---

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