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FW: Top5 - 3/7/97 - Latin Phrases for the 90's

Poster: Andrea Gideon <andreag@dogpound.com>

Just something cute:)
-----Original Message-----
From:	top5@lists.zdnet.com [SMTP:top5@lists.zdnet.com]
Sent:	Friday, March 07, 1997 3:31 PM
To:	andreag@dogpound.com
Subject:	Top5 - 3/7/97 - Latin Phrases for the 90's

  _________|                                     |________  
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    /      |            March 7, 1997            |     \  
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  /___________)                               (__________\  
            The Top 15 Latin Phrases for the 90's  
15> "Log floggit cum palma folliculus."  
     --  (If you don't stop it, you'll go blind.)  
14> "Nolo Contendere."  --  (Hillary, you're on your own.)  
13> "Domino vobiscum."  --  (The pizza guy's here.)  
12> "Dumbassus!  Hottie iste transvestitus!"  
     --  (Fool!  That gorgeous woman is a crossdresser!)  
11> "Auda similarum ad seattles."  
     --  (They all sound just like Pearl Jam.)  
10> "Erectionus finalum."  
     --  (Anna Nicole Smith is here, Gramps.)  
 9> "Boobi falsetti starrius."  
     --  (Sugar, if ya wanna be a star, you're gonna have to do
          something about that bustline.)  
 8> "Veni, veni, veni!"  --  (I came, I came, I came!)  
 7> "Sharpei diem."  --  (Sieze the Wrinkle Dog.)  
 6> "Nucleo predicus dispella conducticus."  
     --  (Remove foil before microwaving.)  
 5> "Motorolus interruptus."  
     --  (Hold on, I'm going into a tunnel.)  
 4> "Il guyus nissanem iste ickye."  
     --  (That Nissan guy gives me the creeps.)  
 3> "Bodicus mutilatimus, unemploymi forevercus."  
     --  (Better take the nose ring out before the job interview.)  
 2> "Dictum ad tua mater."  --  (Word to your mother!)  
    and the Number 1 Latin Phrase for the 90's...  
 1> "Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, 
     minutus carborata descendum pantorum."  
     --  (A little song, a little dance, 
          a little seltzer down your pants.)  
   [ This list copyright 1997 by Chris White and Ziff-Davis ]  
   [  *To forward or repost, please include this section.*  ]  
   [ The Top Five List    top5@walrus.com   www.topfive.com ]  
Selected from 94 submissions from 34 contributors.  
Today's Top Five List authors are:  
Rob Seulowitz, New York, NY           --  1  (2nd #1)
Matt Loiselle, Detroit, MI            --  2  
David W. James, Los Angeles, CA       --  3  
R.M. Weiner, Brighton, MA             --  4, 12  
Paul Paternoster, Redwood City, CA    --  5  
John Voigt, Chicago, IL               --  6  
Lev L. Spiro, Los Angeles, CA         --  7  
Chuck Smith, Woodbridge, VA           --  8  
Marsha Clodfelter, Corpus Christi, TX --  9  
Ed Brooksbank, Sacramento, CA         -- 10  
Jason Anderson, Birmingham, AL        -- 11  
Paul Seaburn, Houston, TX             -- 13  
Bruce Ansley, Baltimore, MD           -- 14  (Hall of Famer)  
Ed Smith, Chattanooga, TN             -- 15  
Susan Eisen, Newcastle, UK            -- Topic  
Alan Wagner, Bayside, WI              -- Runner Up list name
Chris White, New York, NY             -- List owner/editor  
 Today's Runners Up list, "Propinquus sed nullas coronas",  
   can be found at our website: http://www.topfive.com  
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                   Ruminations & Ponderances  
                 Just once, I'd like to see a 
                  claustrophobic mime do that 
                "stuck in a box" trick without 
                   screaming like a banshee.

                  (Thanks to Paul Paternoster)  
The Top Five List                         http://www.topfive.com  
Sponsored by Windows Sources           http://www.winsources.com  
This delivery powered by Mercury Mail, Inc.  http://www.merc.com  

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