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Re: Regional event planning

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Lady Rowan wrote:
> Johanna and I have talked- both being seneschales of our group and
> have worked this out. Storvik has tried valiently to get their tourney
> scheduled on several different dates. My Shire decided on that weekend
> months and months ago, however, we couldn't find a site. 

On behalf of the Barony we are grateful to you for working this out. Given
the population density of Northern Atlantia this is a growing concern. Also,
our Novice Tourney is once again combined with our Baron's Champions Tourney
as a direct result of this.

> Stierbach's Birthday Bullfight will be taking place about 15 miles
> outside of Winchester and is about a stone's throw from the WVA border
> right near 81. Storvik's is in Maryland- we had to laugh because it
> seems we are within a few miles of the 150 mile "rule"... 

Now this is something that should serously be discussed among the Northern
Kingdom Seneshcalate. There are just so many people up here that conflicts
are going to occur. I would propose that the Seneschalate and the Landed
Baronage get together at some point to discuss a year's worth of events.
It should be possible to accomodate everyone and still have our traditional
events (Baron's Champs, Garb Wars, Knight of the Heart, Baronial Birthdays,
etc.). Combining events should also be looked at, especially given the
paucity of decent and large sites in the metropolitan areas (Baltimore
and DC) or camping sites like Croom.

The following groups comprise the most populace area of what many people
consider Northern Atlantia; The Baronies of Storvik, Lochmere, Ponte Alto,
and Bright Hills, and the Shires of Highland Foorde, Stierbach, Roxbury Mill
and Spiaggia Levantina.

On the southernmost edge, and northward enough for me to still consider them
Northern Atlantia are the Barony of Caer Mear and the Shire of Isenfir. All
of these can easily fall within the 150 mile rule at some point, though it
becomes logistically easier to deal with on the calendar, and harder to share
sites. And all of them contain significant population.

> By way of explanation let me say that it was more important for us,
> Stierbach, to have an event, a *camping* event, that went off well, no
> matter how small, than to have a huge attendance.

And we wish you great success. Would that I could attend it myself, but
not only would it be bad for the Baron of Storvik not to show up to his
own event, he's hoping to authorize in heavy weapons at the gentle hands
of His Majesty Cuan (get the Excedrin and ice packs ready Caitlin).

In closing, I will offer to host a meeting of the Seneschals and Landed
Barons and Baronesses of all the aforementioned groups at my home in
Storvik. I think this is just about as central a location as we can get.
Let's start talking among ourselves and agree on a day to do this. I have
a grill in the backyard on which we can toss dead things, and a basement
large enough to accomodate us all should the weather turn against us. I
would ask, if there is a Seneschal or Baron or Baroness who is not online
here, that someone from that group pass this information along. Please 
feel free to write to me in email or call me at home (not later than
9pm please). I think this is something that should be discussed, and I
can say that Storvik is very open to the idea of sharing event sites and
combining events with others.

I await word from you. Until then I remain,

In service,
Corun MacAnndra
Baron Storvik

     Corun MacAnndra   |   Dark Horde by birth   |   Moritu by choice
Though we are not now that strength, which in old days moved earth and heaven,
that which we are, we are. One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time
and fates, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield. 

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