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[fwd] [EK] Re: British Army Uniforms Exhibit, UK

Poster: James and/or Nancy Gilly <KatieMorag@worldnet.att.net>

>To: sca-east@world.std.com
>From: allilyn@juno.com (LYN M PARKINSON)
>Subject: [EK] Re: British Army Uniforms Exhibit, UK
>Date: Sat, 5 Apr 97 05:56:31 +0000
>-Poster: allilyn@juno.com (LYN M PARKINSON)
>I'm forwarding this in case any military types are going to be in England
>this summer.
>--------- Begin forwarded message ----------
>From: "Chandler, Sally A." <S.A.Chandler@shu.ac.uk>
>To: Multiple recipients of list H-COSTUME,<H-COSTUME@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU>
>Subject: British Army Uniforms
>Date: Thu, 27 Mar 1997 09:10:09 -0500
>Message-ID: <333A69B0@cerberus.shu.ac.uk>
>I found the following information hidden away in my files.  Apologies for
>repeating the whole message but I think it tells a story.  I hope it is
>Best wishes,
>Sally Ann Chandler
>The Historical Clothing Company
> I thought you might like to know that the
>>National Army Museum in London now has its own site.  Its URL is:
>>I also attach some information about the new exhibit which
>>I am sure will be of great interest
>>'The Rise of the Redcoat' is a new permanent exhibition which will
>>open at the Museum on Tuesday 3 December 1996. It will tell the story
>>of the British Army from the archers of Agincourt to the redcoats of
>>the American War of Independence. Exhibits will range from a 16 foot
>>long Tudor cannon to the Duke of Cumberland's signet ring, as well as
>>English Civil War arms and armour. There will also be displays of 18th
>>century equipment and uniforms, including a remarkable collection of
>>beautifully embroidered grenadier caps. Visitors will be able to try
>>on a Civil War helmet, feel the weight of a 17th century cannonball
>>and listen to recordings of contemporary soldiers' songs.
>>A number of life size reconstructions will depict soldiers from the
>>period. These will include:
>>An English archer, suffering from dysentery, at Agincourt, 1415.
>>A Burgundian handgunner, fighting for the Yorkists at the battle of
>>St Albans, 1461.
>>A Parliamentarian Foot Soldier based on the letters of Nehemiah
>>Wharton, a Sergeant in the Army of the Earl of Essex, 1642.
>>Captain Richard Atkins, a Royalist cavalryman, whose account of his
>>part in the battle of Roundway Down, 1643, is one of the most
>>remarkable descriptions of hand-to-hand combat ever written.
>>A Queen's Ranger from the American War of Independence, 1780.
>>Raised as light infantry, the Queen's Rangers fought with considerable
>>success on the British side.
>>The opening of this Gallery will mean that a visitor to the Museum
>>will be able to trace the story of the British soldier from the
>>15th century to the end of the Second World War, as well as seeing
>>displays on more recent conflicts, including the Falklands, the
>>Gulf and Bosnia.
>--------- End forwarded message ----------
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James and/or Nancy Gilly


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