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Re: weebling?!?!

Poster: Phillip Jones <jonesj@hub.infoave.net>

Asalaamalaiqum, oh Squire Brother,

"I'm not going to be sheepish about this, but I think it is time to take
the bull by the horns, so to speak, and get you some therapy.  Perhaps I
could rope you in to coming to Windmasters' Hill for some time and see
if the doc can figure out what makes you so woolly.  It's shear
stupidity to let this mad cow disease go on, and ewe shouldn't let it
affect every aspect of your life.  Well, I have ram-bled on for far too

Now, let me steer you straight, Brother, for your message mooved me, but
it Behooves thee to take it on the lam before I come up there and bite
you on the calf, or at least lambaste you, and I'm just the kine of guy
who'd do it:)
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