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Poster: viking@csra.net (Doug Munitz,Sven Olafssen,Maria Munitz,Giuseppina de'Materesi)

Unto all who might share this interest,Hi,
   I am busy collecting recipes using roses, and any other period use for
roses as well.  If anyone would like to share Info I would surely
appreciate it.   
     Roses used as a flavoring is very period and is still used extensively
in Greece and the Middle East.  I was first introduced to rosewater in the
Barony of Tir Ysgithir in Atenveldt.  They served it in lemonade.  It was
heaven in the heat of the desert and extremely refreshing.  In my recipe, I
mix 1 TB per gallon.  I'll make no less than a gallon, it doesn't last
long. Ever since I felt it was my mission to bring this delight to other
locations.  Many in my shire love it.
     The rosewater you use is important.  I've got two kinds.  The one that
comes from India is far to weak for use in recipes, but it's great to put
on ice and then splash on when it's hot.  Refreshing and you smell better(
Ladies, that might be a handy item after your lord has been fighting, at
least for your own nose's sake.)  The other one I have is domestic and is
quite strong. I found it in a health food store.  It's from Heritage
Products, and is called Rose Petals certified Rosewater.  Whatever you do,
make sure that it says Food Grade or potable on the label.  And please do
not try to use any product that says Rosewater and Glycerin, this stuff is
NOT food grade.
    Right now I'm working on a cordial that seems Very promising- Cherry
Rose.  I hope to enter that into an A&S flower competition in a neighboring
barony, Hidden Mountains 14th Baronial Birthday ( Ok, is it wrong to
advertise for another group?) which looks to be a really great event.  If
you are interested, e-mail me and I'll tell you how I did it.  Did you
really expect me to divulge all my secrets?  
    Anyway, I grow my own organic roses for use in recipes.  I highly
recommend Red Masterpiece, a true old damask rose with a color and aroma
that characterizes that class of rose.  I have the recipe for rose petal
wine out of the CA #5, I just have to get the equipment.


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