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Re: Garb

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

Rachel wrote:
>   I have a simple question pertaining to the use of the color purple. Was
>all purple considered royalty? I am making new garb and would like to use a
>lavender color. Can this be done authentically w/out confusion of royalty?

I have obtained beautiful shades of lavender with brazilwood overdyed with
woad.  Copper, alum and tin mordants all produced really wonderful hues that
I thought of as 'modern' until then.

The Scandinavians used a variety of lichens to obtain purple, but I don't know
what shade or hue they made.

True, deep, lasting purple came from a small shelled sea creature, whose name I
can't remember.  It was very expensive - each individual creature producing one
drop of color.  Because of it's expense and prestige, the Romans reserved that
color for the Imperial family and other aristocrats (and senators, I think).

The sumptuary laws in our time period vary depending on the time period and
culture.  What period are you making your garb?  What country?

Even in times and countries where there *were* sumptuary laws, those who could
afford the fines often ignored the law and wore the garments anyway.

        - Anarra

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