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SCA-siege typo correction

Poster: Will Ritchie <ritchie@freenet.tlh.fl.us>

CC: Trimaris, Ansteorra, Meridies, Middle, East, Atlantia, Siege, SCA
combat, the Armory, SCA archery, and SCA missile combat  lists

A note of correction - the address for the sca-siege list in the update 
had a typo in it.  The correct address for the listserver program is
listserver@wyvernhall.com , just as it is for the archery and missile
weapons lists.  Once again, please note the CC:'s above and forward where
else it would be of interest.  Thank you for your patience

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 20:33:09 -0700 (PDT)


>This is an update on the archery and siege email lists.  There is now a 
>new sca-siege list. A discussion of updateing the rules on target and 
>combat archery and siege engines for the SCA Marshal's Handbook will be 
>carried on on these lists.
> To subscribe to the target archery list send to:
> with the following in the body. 
> subscribe sca-archery (your name here)
>To subscribe to the missile combat list send to:
>with the following in the body.  
>subscribe sca-missilecombat (your name here)
>To subscribe to the siege engine list send to: listsererv@wyvernhall.com
** (note)                                                ^  ***

>with the following in the body. 
>subscribe sca-siege (your name here)

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