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Announcement for the June Acorn

Poster: Jeffrey Sussman <JSussman@Erols.com>

Greetings from Duke Richard!

This is from my next Acorn announcement.

My phone number is now (301) 963-9501.

I have new Lietenant (Deputy) Marshals:

Duke Galmr Ingolfsson
Wayne Precht
9 Austin Court
College Park, MD 20740
(301) 441-8042

Sir Amalric
Brian Elliot
2831 Stanwix Lane
Richmond, VA 23234
(804) 271-4440

Count Timoch Hakonson of Nordheim
Timothy Prickett
6302 Belle Terra Court
Fayetteville, NC 28304
(910) 426-0910
No calls after 10pm

Greetings and Felicitations unto Atlantia from Duke Richard, Atlantian
Earl Marshal!

   Thanks to Duke Galmr, Count Timoch and Sir Amalric for agreeing to be
Lieutant (Deputy) Marshal.  These gentles will be my extra eyes and
ears, as well as undertaking various special projects.  I will be
looking for additional marshals.

   I am actively working on the Marshal's Roster, Marshal's Policies,
Conventions of Combat, and Authorization Procedures.  Of course, this
usually means finding others to tackle these project for me.  If you
have any comments to make about these documents please feel free to send
them to me.  Mail or e-mail is highly preferred.

  We are working on an Atlantian Earl Marshal's web page.  More
information to come.  We have set up an e-mail discussion group similar
to the Merry Rose.  However, subscription is limited to marshals of all
types.  If you want to subscribe send a note to Duke Galmr, (listing
with the Lieutenant Marshals) the list administrator, with your name,
e-mail address and the marshallatte office you hold.

   All marshals, including apprentices, rapier marshals, knight
marshals, marshals at large and everybody else should send me your Name,
Other Name, Address, e-address, phone number, position, membership
number, and anything else you think that I ought to know.  These notes
will be used to rebuild the marshal's roster.  Along with my uses, this
roster will be used by the Chronicler and Minister of Lists to verify
each marshal's status. Event forms and authorizations signed by persons
who are not on the roster will not be accepted.

  Remember, Marshals in Charge of Events are required to send me an
event report within two weeks of the event.  Each group's knight marshal
is required to see that for events hosted by their group, event reports
are submitted.  Groups that do not submit reports will not be allowed to
host fighting events.

Yours In Service To Atlantia,
List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://sca.wayfarer.org/merryrose/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org