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Greenville, and Cambok, and wine, oh my

Poster: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>

     Poster: Dan Mackison <DanM@skantech.com>
     David H Ritterskamp wrote:
     > Poster: blackbow@juno.com (David H Ritterskamp)
     > The subject pretty much says it all.  However, I'll elaborate...
     > If you're on the way back from 1001 Chocolate Knights and suddenly 
     > something tugging you towards Greenville, follow it. [SNIP]
     I call that tug a homing instict. :) I wasn't aware of anything going 
     SCA-wise in Greenville... or are we talking about different states? 
     in Greenville, North Carolina.
     [No, dear fellow.  Greenville SOUTH.  Not Eastern Carolina ("Party 
     Center of the East Coast") University.  Closer to Clemson 
     ("Basketball?  We don't need no stinkin' basketball") University.
     See Johan *R* Gahrmann's previous post for directions and a correct 
     spelling of his email address.]
     See ya-
     J. Blackbow
     Travel Agent Extraordinaire

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