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Crown Tourney

Poster: Beth Morris <bmorris@access.digex.net>

Gentle friends,

While Their Royal Majesties are not requiring Letters of Intent for
Crown Tournament next weekend, we (the Lists Office, the Heralds Office
and the Seneschalate) would like to see Crown run smoothly and with a
minimum of delay and confusion.  To this end, it would be a great help
if those who are fighting in Crown, or considering fighting in Crown
would contact me either by phone or email and provide me with your
complete SCA and legal names.  If persons in your local groups are
considering fighting, please pass this message along to them.  Note,
this is not a 'commitment' to fight and if requested, we will not share
this information except amongst those who 'need to know' (as indicated
above).  As of this writing, I believe I have heard from six couples who
intend to fight - surely there are more out there who plan to test their
skill at arms on that day!?

For those of you who have not participated in this process, or wonder
why we need this info in advance, a small primer:

A)  In order to fight in Crown both the fighter and consort must be paid
members; if there is a problem with membership and we find out in
advance, there is a possibility of resolving the problem (getting a
faxed receipt from Milpitas for example).  If we don't discover the
problem until the morning of Crown, we can't do anything about it.  With
this information, we can also check the authorization information of the
combattant (because remember, Fighter Express cards expire with

B)  At Crown Tournament the procession is held in reverse Order of
Precedence.  If we have some clue in advance as to who is participating,
we can look up their information in the OP, make up neatly-printed cards
for the heralds to read from and the procession will go much more

C)  If we have some clue as to the number of bodies who may be fighting,
we can draw up the appropriate list trees in advance and have them ready
to be filled in on site with the names as the pairings are drawn.

Many thanks for your kind assistance in this matter,


Kingdom Seneschal
Beth Morris
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