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April Laurel Acceptances and Returns

Poster: Beverly Robinson-Curry <corvus2@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>

In furtherance of improving our client notification system, I am forthwith
posting the Atlantian acceptances and returns from Laurel's April meeting...

I will be trying to post everything since January within the next week.  If
you know the gentles listed herewith, please pass on this information.

Rhiannon Triton


Arielle the Golden - name
Elena of Nottingham - name and device
Gwendolen ferch Cadwaladr ap Rhys - name and device
Katherine Maunsel - name (see returns for device)
Kevin of Thornbury - badge
Klaus zu der Bach - name
Margery Marche - name
Moira Glanny - name
Robert Grys - name and device
Sacred Stone - badge for the Order of the Yeomen of the Sacred Stone
Sigrid Wilhelm - name and device
Sion (This name is incomplete.  There was some strange misprint between here
and the electronic copy; I'll try to check this again and correct it)
Cruimin - name and device
Stanislav von Neuland - device
Wil Elmsford - device
Wulfbrand Weigand - Household name for Haus Weigand and badge


Katherine Maunsel - device.  Argent, in dexter chief a rose azure enflamed
proper and a sinister gore azure.  This conflicts with Rebecca of Lancaster
(SCA) - Argent, a rose azure barbed and seeded proper, a sinister gore azure.
Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill
Triton Principal Herald, Atlantia
House Corvus, Sacred Stone	

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