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Poster: Stephen Mumford <redline@shore.intercom.net>
Egad, a month away! Sounds like time for me to issue a subtle reminder on
behalf of our autocrat that the 3rd Annual Baronial Hunt will soon be on
us! Second weekend of June; feel free to check out the website at
http://www.catharsis.com/sca/events/hunt. Or, if you'd like, just read
The thirteenth through the fifteenth days of June
Anno Societatis XXXII
Greetings to all within range of this calling. The Canton of Spiaggia
Levantina invites all gentlefolk to the great forests of the Eastern
Shore of Maryland for the great hunt. The Beast has been pursued for
many a day and night, and now sleeps in the historic Furnace Town site
of Snow Hill, MD. The Beast has sent many good fighters to the
summerlands. Only the most brave should attend this glorious event.
Beasties lurk in the ancient forest, and many perils await! BEWARE,
those who would take advantage of our fun, those would sneak in to hunt
without permission. Poachers are swiftly dealt with on the Baron's
For all who wish to sharpen their archery skills, try our target range.
It takes a sharp eye and strong draw to strike our targets.
If ye be more inclined to the art of the rapier, gain the chance to test
your skills of speed and dexerity against others.
After the morning showing of might, relax to watch a human chess game.
Or even sign up and become involved as a playing piece.
As the shadows lengthen and the summer's day draws to a close, the Baron
of Bright Hills shall hold court. Awards and prizes shall be given to
those who have distinguished themselves.
Following court, we invite you to feast with us! Sample the fare and fun
for which Spiaggia Levantina is known! Perhaps we shall dine on the
Great Beast itself, and surely hear the bold tales of its capture!!
Afterwards, a bonfire will be lit and we shall clear the "barn" for a
chelidh. Join in with dancing of all kinds, from the refined steps of
high courts, to the toe tapping, carefree rhythms of English country
dancing. If you are a little rusty, join with one of the dance workshops
during the day to sharpen your skills.
Other events during the day you may wish to include in your schedule:
Let the artisans celebrate the richness of high summer with an A&S
competion for the most creative use of flowers. We invite you to dazzle
our senses as you improve upon Mother Nature! For those with a more
practical green thumb, there shall be an herbalists' test of knowledge
as we challenge you to identify the gifts of wood and field we set
before you.
Spiaggia welcomes the youngest citizens of proud Atlantia. Their day
shall include armor making, games, and arts and crafts, all with
'small's-safe' materials. For a quiet moment in the shade of tall trees
we shall weave for them tales both fun and magical. A boffer tourney
shall be held, but please remember, smalls can be fragile, so we ask
that you bring their safety equipment. A dance class shall provide the
chance to learn the 'Maltese Bransle' without getting squished!!
Cost shall be:
Onboard $13.00
Offboard $ 8.00
Children 12 and under are half-price, while children six and under are
guests of the Canton.
We shall open the site at noon Friday the 13th, and close it at noon
Sunday the 15th. Camping will be on site. We would like to point out that
the site is discreetly wet. A special discount is available for
minstrels, and entertainers who wish to show off their talents. As was
tradition long past, they must sing for their supper. Merchants shall
also recieve a favour for showing their wares. Since they must do battle
with the Great Chesapeake Bay Bridge Troll, we shall return that which
he took.
Please make checks payable to the SCA, Inc. / Spiaggia Levantina, c/o
Avanasiia Volokhov (Tracy Wright), 202 Brooklyn Ave., Salisbury, MD.
Autocrat: Braenden y Mad (Chris Wright), 202 Brooklyn Ave., Salisbury,
MD 21801, (410) 543-4920 (before 9 PM), email: raven.rose@juno.com.
Merchantocrat: Avanasiia Volokhov (Tracy Wright), (410) 543-4920 (before
9 PM), email: raven.rose@juno.com. Merchant area will be outdoors.
Please provide pavilions.
Co-Feastocrats: Master Chirhart Blackstar (Truman Barnes), (410)
239-8794; Ta'mhas MacInnes (Tom Twilley), (410) 543-9305; and Hans
VanHoorn (Tim Dahl), (302) 677-0784
Directions: SCA signs will be posted along the route.
>From Rt. 13 North and South: Take Salisbury (Rt. 13) by-pass. Take exit
for Rt. 12. Head towards Snow Hill. Travel approximately 12 miles. Turn
right on Furnacetown Road. The site is approximately 2-3 miles on your
>From Rt. 50 East and West: Take Rt. 13 by-pass south (located on the
east side of Salisbury). Take exit for Rt. 12. Follow directions above.
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