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FW: Kingdom Arts Festival - Categories and Rules

Poster: Charlene Noto <charlenn@MICROSOFT.com>

Just a reminder that the composition category deadline for research
papers and musical composition/arrangement is coming up fast. Here are
the Kingdom Arts Festival Rules and Guidelines for the Open Display,
Competition and the Peer's Prize Tourney.

> Festival Categories:
> 1.	Fiber Arts - Examples include Costuming, Weaving, Spinning,
> Needlework
> 2.	Paint and Pen - Examples include Painting, Illumination,
> Calligraphy
> 3.	Durable Goods - Examples include Woodwork, Leatherwork, Armor,
> Carving, Pottery, Baskets
> 4.	Consumable Goods - Examples include Brewing, Cooking, Garnishes
> 5.	Performance Arts - Examples include Vocal, Instrumental,
> Storytelling and Drama
> 6.	Composition - Research Papers, Musical Composition/Arrangement
> and Poetry
> ** Note: If there are enough entries to warrant separation, entries
> will be broken into separate sub-categories.
> Rules and Guidelines
> 1.	An artisan may enter one item per category for the judged
> competition but may have as many entries in a category as desired for
> the Peer's Prize Tourney or the Open Display. (See exception for the
> Performance Arts)
> 2.	An entrant may participate in both the Judged Competition and
> the Peer's Prize Tourney.
> 3.	Each entry must be registered. (See special considerations for
> categories 5 and 6). A card for entry is included at the end of this
> letter and will also be available at the site. Save time by making
> copies and filling it out before the event. A special table will be
> set up for registering your entries.
> 4.	Entries by proxy may only participate in the Judged Competition
> or the Open Display
> 5.	All entries should be relevant to the study of the Middle Ages,
> pre 17th century. 
> 6.	No kits. No filk. Works-in-Progress ARE allowed.
> 7.	Participants must be attending their entry for the specified
> hour's time during the Peer's Prize Tourney.
> 8.	Children wishing feedback must attend their work during the
> specified half-hour during the Children's Display.
> 9.	Laurel's experienced in a particular field are asked to place
> their entry under the Display Only option. However, Laurel's in a new
> field of study are welcome to enter both the Judged Competition and
> the Peer's Prize Tourney.
> 10.	If an artisan opts for the Judged Competition, the entry will be
> judged in the following areas: Authenticity or SCA Usefulness,
> Workmanship and Quality, Creativity, Presentation of Display and
> Documentation.
> 11.	Research Papers for the Judged Competition must have a copy sent
> to Mistress Teleri Talgelawg, mka Susan Downs Reed, 2941 Fairmont St.,
> Falls Church, VA 22042 by May 31. Citations are required. Papers
> should have a minimum of 5 pages and a maximum of 25 pages. MLA or
> Chicago writing format is recommended but not required. For display at
> the event, research papers should have a one-page synopsis included.
> Research papers will not be accepted for the Judged Competition on
> site, however, the artisans are welcome to participate in the Peer's
> Prize Tourney.
> 12.	Musical Composition/Arrangement for the Judged Competition must
> have a copy sent to Master Thomas Smyth of Ayr, mka Cdr. E.T. Smith
> (ret.), 3305 Pine Belt Rd., Columbia, SC 29204-3126 by May 31. A tape
> of the arrangement or composition is appreciated but not required.
> Written music compositions/arrangements will not be accepted for the
> Judged Competition on site, however, the artisans are welcome to
> participate in the Peer's Prize Tourney.
> 13.	Performance Arts for both the Judged Competition and the Peers
> Prize Tourney must pre-register their time slot at the beginning of
> the event. Performances will be limited to 5 minutes. Artisans may
> enter 1 solo performance and participate in a total of 2 performances.
> The time schedule will be strictly enforced.
> 14.	The results of the Judged Competition will be given to the
> artisans after the Peer's Prize Tourney and before Court, when
> artisans pick up their work.
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