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Re: Heraldic help
Poster: Kai Scheppe <scheppe@hpel.cees.edu>
Greetings to those assembled here in the Merry Rose,
I was over at the bar and could not help overhear the lively discussion on
heraldic problems.
Since Mistress Jaella encourages suggestions, I have a few:
There are a few basic assumptions as I see this:
1) Heralds, who are all volunteers like the rest of us (!), have a vested
interest doing a good job.
2) Submitters want to get their device passed as quickly and efficiently as
3) Both parties, heralds and submitters have the same goal...to get devices
There is a middle ground that, in my mind requires a few simple guidelines
to be met by anybody:
A) Anybody who is not in some fashion called a Herald should STAY AWAY from
blazoning anything. If you are submitting a device, chances are you are
relatively new to the SCA and may have walked past a good work of heraldry,
but no more. DO NOT BLAZON, even if you think you know what you're doing.
B) Submitters should make their best attempt to depict what they want to
show. This means making use of new technology, i.e. clipart and copies of
actual pictures. Cut, paste and enlarge are powerful drawing tools even to
the most inept artist. Any goat you find, that is drawn by a professional,
should do, for example.
C) This is the most important suggestion, which I employed myself with
success. Draw lines away from each item on your submission and LABEL it in
PLAIN english. Say what it is, what color it has, what orientation or
anything else that is necessary. It's a big form with lots of room.
D) Point out the obvious. The submitters has thought over and over again
about his device. The Herald will see it for the first time on the
submission form. What is clear to the submitter may not be clear to the
Herald at all.
E) Use the back side of the submission form. From what I remember it is
blank. If you still feel a need to clarify, give a few pointers on the
back of the form (indicated on the front) to further explain your drawing.
F) If, after all this work, which is done solely by the submitter, the
Herald still has a question, a phone call would be more than justified.
G) Lastly, include a return post card with the submission forms, prestamped
and prewritten, that can be sent back to the submitter when the submission
has reached a certain point, i.e. Herald's meeting or some such point in time.
I believe that this could clarify and speed up the process without adding
undue work to the Heralds.
Thank you, I will now return to that mug I was nursing
Maximilian Alois von Brandenberg
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