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Kingdom BDay

Poster: viking@groupz.net (Doug Munitz,Sven Olafssen,Maria Munitz)

Don't get me wrong. I'm only mildly disagreeing with his excellency.  And
as far as I can remember, the only time that I have ever disagreed with
him; or with you for that matter, your excellency.  You may both consider
me as one of your many admirers.  I actually agree with him on many points,
but I always tend to believe that there is always a way to do most
anything, especially to put some real magic into something.

One of the ways I would approach this would be on a yearly rotation basis. 
A fresh approach every year. One year in the south, one year in the middle,
and one year in the north.  There should really be a lot more fairness in
the distribution of this event.

Say for instance, the south has it coming up next year- that's a whole year
to plan.  The tendency in the south lately is towards coming together and
having 2 or more groups throw an event together, thereby pooling more
talent and resources.  My group, Border Vale Keep, helped Nottinghill Coill
throw their 20th year celebration, for instance.  We've all agreed this was
a very successful event.  Many people from other groups help other groups
with their events.  People from Hidden Mountain and Nottinghill Coill have
been helped us with our events.  Get my drift.

Groups in the region each pick a representative to work and plan for the
next year.  They choose what site would be best; that could be King's Mt.
near Charlotte or a place such as Camp Long in Aiken that's big enough for
a Pennsic or Estrella sized war (not to mention covered ramadas with cold
running water fountains).  Ask me later about an idea of mine for a
"Chocolate War" over BVK's "chocolate mines" (we are on an interkingdom

 Different officers could pool their talents in their areas.  I'm an A&S
officer, so I'll use this office for an example; all the A&S officers agree
that there should be an A&S competition and other activities.  So they
handle that.  Just imagine all the different things that could come out of
this alone.  I've got tons of ideas just for children's A&S activities. 
I've wanted to establish a Page school for some time. The potential for
classes, and dance, poetry; just name your favorite muse.

The feast?  We would be able to pool the best of all the local cooks or do
things more Pennsic or Estrella style. And if there are enough merchants
(and of course there would be),well, shopping is never boring.  This could
also be a real showcase for the office of the Castellan as well, with
various officers offering classes and activities for both newbies and old
people alike.  Shall I mention games?  Chess, Cathedral,... should I
mention Cambok? 

The Marshalls?  I'm sure they know what they would like to do. 
The point I'm making is that it's not the time difference that will make it
magic, but the energy and love contributed by fresh new groups yearly being
given the chance to showcase the local talent to the whole kingdom. What a
wonderful way to get to know who the faces are that belong to the names you
have heard about.  What a great way for people who can't get to the many
kingdom level events that are held in only one region to mingle with people
from all over, since this one would alternate regionally.  I would Love to
attend Emerald Joust (that's a yearly event that hasn't lost it's luster
from all the wonderful things I've heard about it) but because of the
distance and that my husband's job is unreliable about getting him home on
the weekends it's out of the question.  So for many of us who don't live in
a region that gets these large events, there's no loss of glamour from
having too many of them.  5 years would be too long for this as a kingdom
event whereas it's fine for an event that involves the whole society.  But
every 2 years wouldn't be so bad.  Then this event wouldn't return to a
region for 6 years.

Verbose as this is, it is sincere and spoken by one who loves this Kingdom
and deeply admires all the gentles within it.
Lady Ginevra de'Rossi
(formerly Giuseppina)

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