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Should one be a Member to be Polled? (WAS...Re: Pay to vote)

Poster: angela@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Angela K. Pincha-Neel - ASCC)

Since there are so many out there who want to be semantically correct, lets at
least get this whole conversation into a different perspective... Niall was not
implying pay additional monies to be included on the polling for a baronetcy...
it was whether or not one should be a member, of any level, to be given an
official polling to give the Crown an indication of how the people in the
Barony in question sees those nominees to the Baronetcy... it is NOT a VOTE.
The Crown makes the final decision and doesn't have to choose the nominees
favoured in a polling. So, should one have to have a paid membership to give an
OFFICIAL opinion to the Crown on whom They should invest as the next Baron and
Baroness of a given Barony?


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