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Poster: "Efenwealt Wystle" <efen@hotmail.com>

I know this virus stuff isn't always amusing, but I couldn't resist:

Upon opening this message your computer was infected with a virus that 
has transmitted to you an insatible need to eat an unopened bag of 
Archway, date-filled, oatmeal COOKIES. (well maybe you should open the 
bag first) Then listen to a brand new album by the Poo-sink-dart Band. 
(2 out of 3 ain't bad). Heck why not make some biscuits and cake too?

On your sugar/music high you will feel the urge to erase everything on 
your hard drive and replace everything with thousands of duplicates of 
two .txt files that say



"MERCENARIES ARE COOL. duh huh huhuhh That's right Beavis."

Soon after reading this you will hear distant shouts of "BWACK! OOOGIE 
OOOGIE!" as several burly fellows in white coats drag a young minstrel 
away from his cubicle...

Scott Vaughan
(like Herveus, Efen knows nothing of computers)

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