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Re: Leif Eriksson's "Vinland"...

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

Mordrea wrote:

> The Washington Post wrote:

> > Rolf M. Nilsestuen wrote:

> > > Leif Ericcsen <Flateyarbok@Greenland.ic> wrote:

> > > > [in Vinland] On the shortest day of the year the
> > > > sun set at 4:30 p.m.

How did Leif determine that?
Did the original text say something like,
"On the shortest day of the year, the sun sets a full
nine turns of the hourglass after sunrise" ?

-- Alfredo
Min fiende er ikke den som gjør meg ondt, men den som gjør meg ond.
My enemy is not he who does evil to me, but he who makes me evil.
                                           -- Pliny the Younger

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