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On Southern Universities

Poster: Henry Best <jstrauss@poboxes.com>

	I've been away from my e-mail for several days, and I still
haven't plowed through this ocean of messages from two kingdoms. My
apologies if this thread has died of natural causes in the great pile of
stuff I have not yet read.

	A question was raised about the whys and wherefores of holding so
many sessions of University in the north and so few in the south. I cannot
speak to what Deirdre is doing these days, though I know that, like me,
she wants to see more southern UAs. But I can speak with great authority
on what happened from 92 to 96.

	The UA charter requires only one thing regarding geographical
diversity: the same group may not sponsor UA twice in a row. That's it.
That being said, I wanted to have a session in the carolinas every winter
and I wanted it to be in SOUTH Carolina every other year. By that metric,
I should have had at least two sessions in NC and two in SC. Instead, I
left the field at two and one, short of the minimum goal I set for myself.

	I tried real hard to get SC bids. I got one, through the direct
intervention of Kane and Muirigen. The sponsoring group was Misty Marsh,
the same group hosting a session for Deirdre. Nice folks. They did a good
job. While I was Chancellor, no other group in SC ever ever ever submitted
a bid, written, oral, overt or implied, period. And so far as I know,
Misty Marsh still stands alone in this. 

	I did get a few questions over that 4 year period, in the form
"Why aren't there more UA sessions down here in SC?" I always replied,
"I'm very interested in holding some SC sessions. Would your group be
willing to host one? I'll work with you on making it happen." The answer
was always either, "Ummmm, I'll get back to you." or "Us? Are you crazy?"

	During the four years I ran UA, did I ever refuse a bid in favor
of another for geographical reasons? I sure did. With eyes wide open, I
discriminated against Maryland. I never held a UA session there, even
once. Deirdre's most recent session was there, and Gyrth held one there
seven years ago. But I shunned 'em as if they were lepers while taking
advantage of all the kick-ass teachers in that northernmoost frozen region
of Atlantia. Most of those Virginia sessions came about when I had a MD
and VA bid and chose the VA bid, each time, to get an inch or two further

	This isn't the first time we've had a "Why aren't there more
Southern UAs" thread, and it won't be the last. To my mind, the resolution
will always be the same: If you want more UA in SC, offer to host one. If
you haven't offered to host one, you are your own answer to the question.

- Henricus, Chancellor Emeritus	

       John Strauss             |    Dr. Henry Best, OP       
       Lexington, KY            |    Dragonsmark, Midrealm      
       jstrauss@poboxes.com     |    "Jugate Potentum Gaudii"

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