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Angevin Fall Hunt (Event Flyer)

Poster: "Robin A Jensen" <griffaud@holdem.tez.net>

> > Unto the Merry Rose does Bryce de Byram (writing on Ld. Robin's
> > send greetings! Here is the last posting on this subject-THE FLYER!!!!
Please note that in deferance to the Acadimie, the Rapier Hunt has been
cancelled. have a safe trip and we'll see you there!

> > Angevin Fall Hunt
> > September 26-28, 1997
> > 
> > "And once he has entered the fray,
> > let each man of High Birth think of nothing
> > but the breaking of heads and arms;
> > for it is better to die,
> > than be vanquished and live..."
> >                                           - Betrand de Born, 12c
> > 
> > The Barony of Caer Mear invites you to celebration of the twelfth
> > at this Angevin Fall Hunt. So put away your round shield, gothic plate,
> or houppelaunde and pull out your chainmail, aketon, and blieut! Journey
> with us back to the time of Richard the Lion-Heart, William Marshall, and
> Eleanor of Aquitaine.
> > 
> > 
> > Like the Angevins, who ruled England, and most of France from 1154 to
> 1215,
> >  
> > Fall Hunt: (for armoured combat ) while away an hour as would a
> > noble from Anjou, Normandy, or England - Hunt the elusive beasts of the
> > woods!
> > Next, experience the hierarchy of feudal life with our 12c Melee
> > Your rank will count on the field so knights, assemble your mesinees of
> > squires and sergeants for combat, glory and ransom.
> > Then end your fighting day the way a Angevin king might... siege a
> vassal'scastle by engaging in Combat across the Barrier.
> > Prizes shall be awarded to the day's victors, as well as the best 12c
> > fighting harness.
> > Combat archers are encouraged to attend. Our day shall begin at 10:00
> > with authorization.
> > 
> > S.W.A.T. (Spun, Warped, and Twisted) will host a 12c Fiber
> > in progess are encouraged)
> > Our A&S Competitions shall be:
> > 12c garb accessory, (hosted by S.W.A.T.)
> > 12c men's and women's garb, (worn during feast)
> > best poem written in a 12c style (troubabor,trouvere, andulisian, etc.)
> > 
> > A hearty Feast of the year's harvest, full of the bounty of the Hunt
> shall be prepared once again by Lady Caitlin MacAlister. (Kay Jensen
> > 262-5509 ) Please reserve early as our hall is limited to 110. There is
> no off-board space available in the hall; however, personal grills are
> > allowed, and maps to local eateries will be provided.
> > 
> > Afterwards, compete to be named "prince of the puy" in our 12c bardic
> > competition, or simply come listen to our circle. Rumour has it that
> > Hunter's Horn may sound yet again(and again, and again), liken to
> Olifant, as it did last year.(The site is discreetly wet.)
> > 
> > Costs:                $12.00 - on-board, camping
> >                           $10.00 - on-board only
> >                            $7.00 - off-board, camping only
> >                            $ 5.00 - day-trip (off-board, off-site)
> > Children are half price, and no parent shall pay for no more than two
> > children.
> > please make checks payable to: The Barony of Caer Mear / SCA Inc.
> > 
> > THE MASTER OF THE HUNT: is THL Bryce de Byram. Reservation should be
> mailed
> > to him at:
> >                                                         Duane Moore
> >                                                         5515 Apt. D
Pony Farms Dr.
> >                                                         Richmond, Va
> >                                                         (804) 329-0369
> > 
> > Our Site, Pocohantas State Park in Chesterfield, Va has cabin camping
> only.
> > The site opens at 2:00 Pm on Friday the 26th and closes at 12:00 noon,
> > Sunday the 28th.
> > 
> > Directions:
> > Take your best route to I-95, south of Richmond. Take Exit 62 (288
> North).
> > Travel approximately 6 miles to the Rt. 10/ Ironbridge Road /
> Chesterfield East exit. Travel 1.5 miles to the second stop light. Turn
right onto
> Beach Rd.Travel 4 miles to the park entrance on the right. Follow S.C.A.
> to the Algonquian Ecology Camp. Troll is located in the small building
> to the parking lot.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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