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Re: Siege of Glengary

Poster: "Brett W. McCoy" <bmccoy@CapAccess.org>

On Sun, 28 Sep 1997, Neil Maclay wrote:

> Work and family affairs prevented me from going to the Kingdom 
> of Aethelmark's first fighting event this weekend. Could someone
> who was at the Siege of Glengary, which was being co-hosted
> by the Shire of Sylvan Glen in Aethelmark and my own Barony
> of Strovik, kindly post an account of the deeds that were done
> there.

Greetings from Istvan Dragosani!

I was in attendance at the Siege, and it was quite a wonderful weekend!  
The weather was spectacular -- not a cloud in the sky (it was a bit grey 
this morning), and the stars are so brihgt in the mountains of West 
Virginia.  Shone the Reaver did a spectacular job -- along with Frau 
Johanna -- of autoctratting the event.  It was Shone's first attempt at 
autocratting and he did a great job.

I don't know all the details of the fighting, and I hope someone else can
fill in the holes in my knowledge here, but I do know the Scots won the
day.  Most spectacular was the fuield battle in which one lone Scottish
knight held the field against at least 6 or 7 English fighters.  One by
one the English fell until the knight was left standing alone.  He then
presented a red belt to his squire, which was a very nice touch. 

Baroness Brenna discovered the joys of Baronial whim when Antoine de 
Bayonne danced upon the tables at the feast (after, of course removing 
his plaid pants) at her request (and how could anyone refuse the Baroness 
of Storvik?).  Antoine also won the prize for the worst use of plaid.

The feast was simple yet very good.  There was sheep sausage stew and 
vegetable stew (both of which I had the pleasure of stirring for several 
hours while the cooks performed their alchemies upon them), fried 
parsnip, cheese apples, serving wenches and pie for dessert (just the 
pie, not the wenches).  One nice touch, for those who were up by troll or 
helping out with cooking the feast, was the group of bluegrass musicians 
who had gathered for a private event of their own.  They played all day 
and into the night also.  They weren't playing so loudly that it 
interfered with anything, but were just on the edge of hearing to make for 
nice background music.

The Bardic circle was on Saturday evening, and many songs were sung and 
many good things were drunk -- especially the Mongolian yak spirits!  Then 
a goodly numbers of drummers appeared (and I had a drum as well), along 
with dancers, including Bambi, and we drummed and danced late into the 
night.  I concluded the weekend by buying a new dumbek from Bambi this 
morning, a bright blue one hand made in Lebanon.

Vivat again to Shone and Frau Johanna for a wonderful weekend.  It's very 
exciting to see how much Sylvan Glen has grown in the past couple of 
years (I was the seneschal in 1995 and 1996, and even though I am now in 
Roxbury Mill, I still owe many loyalties to Sylvan Glen).  I think 
Sylvan Glen has finally found its niche with "The Siege of Glengary" -- 
this was the second siege, and may there be many more!

In Service,
Istvan Dragosani
 Brett W. McCoy - bmccoy@capaccess.org  | There is only one difference
www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/1038 | between myself and a madman,
 Disciple of the Eastern Mysteries of   |   and that is I am not mad
         both Love and War              |     -- Salvador Dali     

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