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Border Vale Keep

Poster: terry_buyers@catbox.win.net (Terry Buyers)

Happening in Augusta, GA, Saturday, December 20, 1997:

Greetings to one and all from Shire of Border Vale Keep!  Come one come all to
the Mid-Winter's Tale.  A laid back potluck / arts event.  There will be Hard
suit fighting (yes this is an art form)and Rapier during the day on Saturday. 
There will also be an Arts and Sciences competion (Atlantian Arts and Sciences
rules) with plenty of prizes on Saturday.  Saturday night will show culinary
talents as well as bardic talents after the feast.  

There is plenty of refridgerator space for potluck dishes needing

Cost for feast: $3.00 for adult    
                     $1.00 for 12-6 years  
                     under 6 years free
                     Site Fee $2/adults $1/12up

There will be crash space available.  Please R.S.V.P. if you will possibly
need crash space to Junella Merch Balin at (803) 652-3759 or Email at:

Directions:  Take I-20 to Washington Rd. exit towards Martinez to Columbia Rd.
.  Take the left fork onto Columbia Rd. and go till see Tanglewood Signs/SCA

 * PowerAccess 1.50 Real wealth can only increase.R BUCKMINSTER FULLER

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