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Re: Museums Link Site

Poster: Karen@agent.infodata.com (Harris, Karen)

M. Magnus Malleus wrote:

> One of the correspondents on one of the maillists wished for 
> an address of a particular museum. Okay folks, probably most
> of you don't know about this one.


But few of you probably know about this one ... as a supplementary 
page to the websites for Kingdom Twelfth Night, there is also a page 
with information about medieval- and renaissance-themed exhibits at 
Washington-area museums, with directions from the Twelfth Night 
hotel and links to each museum's website.

There are going to be some real doozies in town -- from the V&A 
embroidery exhibit at the Baltimore Museum of Art, to the Star Wars 
exhibit at the Air and Space Museum downtown -- as well as all of the 
cool permanent exhibits in this area.

I'm really hoping everyone can take advantage of the "field trips" 
website ... which (I guess) is the reason why I'm telling everyone 
about it even though the website isn't online quite yet!  :)

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Karen Larsdatter
  Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia
  One down, fifteen to go ... make that 4 down, 17 to go ...
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