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Re: scribe win

Poster: Heather Swann <swannh@psi.com>

At 07:58 AM 10/24/97 PDT, Terry L. Neill wrote:
>Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <longshipco@hotmail.com>
>>...and an AoA is sometimes the only award
>>a person will get so it should be personalized and as "way spiff" 
>>as can be... 
>Now here, I agree wholeheartedly.  It is a(nother) flaw in my idea (and 
>a reason I like Ceilyn's idea so much).
>Personally I think AoA scrolls should be the spiffiest of the lot.  It 
>*is* often the only kingdom-level award a person receives.
>And I support the idea of permanent scrolls originally and eliminating 
>hand-painted promissaries.  Spiff permanent scrolls.  :)

Especially personalized with illumination and nifty stuff.....
>Another idea to toss into the discussion would be less-spiff 
>prommisaries; ones that take less time to put together.
>Color xeroxing?  B/w xeroxing?

I would think b/w xeroxed promissories filled in by hand would be ok, as
long as we can do a really good  permanent scroll.  After all, the
permanent one is the one that goes up on your wall....
>Maybe a combination of several of these interesting ideas?
>     - Anarra
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