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Archery Sources

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

rmhowe wrote:
There are some pages webbed by the Society of Archer Antiquaries
through a university club at the University of Twente, Netherlands.

Try: http://snt.student.utwente.nl/campus/sagi/
for the Society of Archer Antiquaries Articles they have webbed.
Wish there were a lot more, but these articles are classics.

Yumi through the Krackow group: http://www.Krackow.com/YumiNew.html
KKoppedr@Mach1.WLU.ca      Yumi makes many kinds of Oriental bows.
These would include Japanese and composites. Usually advertises
in Primitive Archer and Traditional Bowhunter I think.

Giovanni Amatuccio's Homepage: http://www.studionet.it/amat.htm
for access to an Italian book on Medieval Archery.

Master Bak Geuk-Hwan, bowyer
Korean Master Bowyer for the truly exotic and expensive composites.

How to forge an arrowhead: http://www.algonet.se/~decomtl/deco7e.htm
This one is off the blacksmithing web and is in Sweden.
Hey, it's got lots of pictures.

For arrowhead and spear reproductions:

Well, that ought to keep you amused for a while.

M. Magnus Malleus, Windmaster's Hill
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