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Re: Hello...

Poster: "Erica Stark" <ejstark@hotmail.com>

>Poster: Gene Bonar <gbonar@auspex.com>
>At 01:29 AM 11/25/97 -0500, Denise McMahon wrote:
>>Oh my! <invoke humor mode here>
>>I tend to think of all the baronies and shires, as we said in our 
petition to
>>become a barony when we were at Dun Carraig's last event, as the 
Jewels in
>>Crown of Atlantia. All of them being very fine and particularly 
dazzling when
>>viewed together. 
>>Let us not go down this road of which barony is finest. It's a holiday 
>>and the festivities are fast approaching. Shouldn't we all be out 
>or something?
>How very conciliatory of you.
>However, there are two kinds of people in Atlantia (the greatest of all
>Those that think it is the greatest barony of all, and those that have
>never lived here.:-)
>Eogan mac Ailpein    archer and herald
>Elvegast, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
>mka Gene Bonar  919.772.1112  eogan@ipass.net

Weeellll now, ideally everyone would consider their home barony the very 


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