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Re: Gaelic Question

Poster: Gabrielle Stryker <gstryker@xperts.com>

>A coworker just walked in and wrote the word 'CLADAGH' on my
>whiteboard.  He says it's a Gaelic word associated with a symbol
>sometimes found on jewelry --- a pair of hands supporting a heart, which 
>in turn supports a crown.  He's curious about the pronunciation and meaning 
>of the word, and now I'm curious about the symbol.  Does anyone out there
>know anything about them?

A claddagh, pronounced klah-dah, and usually spelled with two Ds, is most 
commonly known as an Irish wedding ring.  The heart stands for love, the 
hands for friendship, and the crown for loyalty.  Most of the time it is 
used on rings, but I've seen it on earrings, necklaces, even 
doorknockers.  I don't know the actual meaning of the word itself.  When 
you are wearing a ring, the hand on which you wear it and the direction 
it faces has meaning: worn on the right hand with the design facing away 
from the wearer means the wearer is available, right hand towards wearer 
is "taken", left hand away is engaged, left hand towards is married.

This is what I've been told - I've never researched it - so accuracy is 
not guaranteed! :)

Aodhan ni Finnlaith
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