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Fw: Floyd Dudley aka Gladio d'Atori, Jason d' Phoole, or Morkbid Hasund Bacula
Poster: "Louise Sugar" <dragonfyr@tycho.com>
For those who may have known him.
God rest his soul and bless him on his journey
-----Original Message-----
From: Gwen Rat <GwenRat@aol.com>
To: sca-west@galaxy.csuchico.edu <sca-west@galaxy.csuchico.edu>
Date: Friday, December 05, 1997 4:08 PM
Subject: Floyd Dudley
>It is my sad duty to inform you that Floyd Dudley (known in the SCA as
>Gladio d'Atori, Jason d' Phoole, or Morkbid Hasund Bacula) died on
>Thursday November 27th.
>Floyd was one of the few black men in our group, who also suffered a
>physical disability that caused him the use of one of his arms, but this
>only encouraged him to achieve more in life, with his elegant speaking
>voice and wonderful sense of humor. He was active in the SCA as a
>constable and a performer. His comedy act "Brothers in Jest" performed at
>many small SCA events. His rendition of the Twelve Mongolian Days of
>Christmas at the 1989 Efenn Yule Revel was unforgettable.
>Floyd was active in local theater and radio in San Jose. He was a
>performer at the Renaissance Faire at Blackpoint, participated in theater
>road shows, and he worked with the security groups at many local science
>fiction conventions. He was also a writer.
>He is survived by his wife, Leslie, and his two young children, Tessara
>and Sean.
>There will be a memorial for Floyd on Monday December 8th, at the City
>Light Theater in San Jose, starting at 7 p.m. SCA people who knew him
>are welcome, and costumes are encouraged. Directions can be obtained by
>e-mailing me at gwenrat@aol.com.
>Floyd had started a memory book for his children and had wanted to fill
>it with other people's remembrances of him. Unfortunately, he was unable
>to complete the project, and we are trying to complete it for him. If you
>have any memories of him that you would like to pass on, please e-mail
>them to me at gwenrat@aol.com.
>There is also a trust fund being set up for Floyd's children, for more
>information please e-mail me at gwenrat@aol.com.
>I first met Floyd in the spring of 1977. I was studying for a chemistry
>test and I glanced up to see someone in costume walking through the West
>Valley College library. I followed him (Floyd) outside and saw my first
>SCA demo. Floyd was with the group that I camped with at my first event
>in AS XII.
>I have many loving memories of him through the years. He was a good
>friend, a good listener, and he could always make you laugh. I will miss
>Gwendolyn the Rat Keeper
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