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12th Night Merchanting Update

Poster: Suzanne Metzler <SMETZLER/0002152178@MCIMAIL.COM>

Good Gentles:

Tehair MacDiarmada here, coordinator for merchanting at 12th night. 

I regret that I have not been as timely in responding to some of the
recent inquires for merchanting space at 12th night as quickly as I
would have hoped: (i) I have had some E-mail problems (and been
working late for those of you contacting me by phone), and (ii) we
have been sold out of merchanting space since Thanksgiving. I was in
the process of negotiating extra space, and rearranging spaces in the
Merchant hall to accommodate people's requests, and following up on
the status of paid reservations received but in the "overflow" category.

As to my efforts to obtain extra merchanting space, I have been only
partially successful: Lady Anne of Carthew, the Autocrat, graciously
allotted some space in the feast hall for merchanting during the day
*before* the feast. The total amount of this merchanting space is
*also limited*. Merchants who opt to use this space will need to be
completely closed down by 3:30 in order for the hall to be made ready
for the feast. While merchant space reservations will still be
$10/space, we will provide tables & chairs for your space free.

For those of you who have contacted me recently: there is no more
space, but I will place you on the wait list -- however you must send
me a paid reservation with a self-addressed stamped envelope (in case
I need to return it -- please be sure to provide me information as to
what you are selling and phone/E-mail contact info.  and incdicate
until what time at night I can contact you) For those of you
already paid, seeking additional space, I regret that we cannot
accommodate your request at this time. If you would like to be placed
on the wait list for additional space, send me your additional fees
and a SASE. Please understand that your request for additional space
will be treated the same as a new request for space from someone
currently unregistered. 

*A reminder*: Merchants need to give me full information about what
you are selling and contact information so I can process the
applications and contact you with questions. I have a wait list of
merchants. I will be contacting those of you who have sent paid space
requests to me as to whether you would like to be n the main hall till
3:30. I am preparing an update for the web site, which hopefully will
be on-line by early next week, I will post the information to this
site as well.

Please feel free to pass this information on to any merchants you know
who were interested in selling at 12th night and feel free to contact
me directly.

Yours in service,

Tehair MacDiarmada/Sue Metzler
h (301) 474-3344 (NLT 10:30)
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