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Cossacks, Mongols, and Huns! Fee correction

Poster: Leila Mohajerin <lmohajer@email.unc.edu>

Greetings All Atlantians!

We have already started recieving reservations
for "Cossacks, Mongols, and
Huns!(Oh, My!)" an event taking place at Camp Kanata on March 14.   
We realized that an error was made in planning out the fee schedule.  
We intended the early regestrations to get a $1 discount, not an
additional fee to the late regestrations.  What this means is, if we
recieve your regestration before the deadline of March 3rd, you should
subtract $1 from the total. All reservations that I have already recieved,
and that have overpaid, will be handled at the Gate at the event.

Just in case you want an update of how much and to whom:
Checks should be made out to the Canton of Kappellenberg/SCA,Inc.
They should be mailed to Leila Mohajerin, PO Box 1132, Chapel Hill, NC
You should include if you have special considerations, like vegetarian, or
must have a bottom bunk.
If you are planning to attend with friends, and want to stay in the same
cabin, let me know who they are.  As soon as they reserve, I will put them
there (this means, if they wait, the space might be gone.) If a household,
group, or any other conglomeration want a cabin to themselves, they will
have to pay for 14 bedspaces.

Any other questions can be directed to me, Lady Sveva Lucciola at
(919)929-8524, email: lmohajer@email.unc.edu, or the Ataman, Nikulai
Ivanovich at (919)484-8860 or atlown@pagesz.net

Site:	$7
Feast:  $5
Cabin:	$3
Tent:	$1

$1 DISCOUNT if reserved by March 3rd.

Thanks all!
Lady Sveva

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