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Book Report Tally

Poster: Erick and Sue <bduck@fred.net>

Greetings and drinks all around!!

Thanks go to all who responded both to me privately and publicly on the
BOOK QUESTION.  There were so many responses, that I decided to post the
final tally.

A few accolades:

Thanks to the individual who warned against plastic bagging valuable books,
sending many of use scurrying to our shelves to rescue our old favorites
and rare copies.

Thanks to the individual who boiled the whole discussion down to a question
of how often each of us is willing to replace our mistreated books.

And Thanks to the reader who reccommended that 'permanent bookmarks' should
be made with acid free paper available at art supply stores.

On to the results:

First I must say, those who responded publicly were mainly those who treat
books with respect, at least expensive, valuable ones.  Those who emailed
me privately were mainly those who treat books as tools and treat

Those whose household is split on the subject, I counted each member as a
separate reader with individual habits.  Generally the book-spindle, fold,
and mutilator respects the books of the white-glove reader.  Polls are
quiet as to how the careful-reader treats the casual-reader's books.

1. Book-markers.  Always --> 20 {I include in this catagory all who use
book markers and those who use, among other things--straw wrappers (1),
magazine inserts (6), torn paper (5), folded kleenex (3), and coupons (1).}

2. Those who treat expensive or special books carefully and paperbacks more
casually.--> 11. --LOTS of people read in the tub!  Some make quality
destinctions based, not on the dollar value but on the subject, romance was
a big tub-read, sci-fi was split 3-3 between valuable and tub-quality.

3. Those who treat books casually --> 12.  Lay flat, face-down (8), lay
flat with  cat, drink, or other object on 1/2 (3), fold pages (10). Many do
a combination based on the situation & length of departure from book.

4. Those who remember chapter or page numbers --> 3.

5. Those who fold or book-marker pages based on convenience --> 4.
Complaints mostly were; losing bookmarks & no alternatives within reach.

6. Those who see dog-earers as evil, infidels on their way to either a hot
or cold, bookless afterlife--> 5. Those who refuse to lend books to
spinebreakers or dog-earers (2). Those who seek and destroy
book-mistreaters (1).

Again, thanks to ALL who responded, both publicly and privately.

Many Thanks to the individual who reminded us that books are made of trees
and so, worthy of respect no matter the cost or subject.  This reminder is
a good arguement for taking all the books you are 'finished with' to a
worthy recycler--hospital, half-way house, homeless shelter, women's
shelter, elder care facility, or used book store.

Appologies to those not interested in and/or offended by this collection of

Respectfully In Service,

Sue Singley

PS.  Happy St. Valentine's Day to All and to All a Good Knight.

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