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Poster: hank harwell <web7989@charweb.org>

On Wed, 11 Feb 1998, C.J. Schaffer wrote:

> Poster: "C.J. Schaffer" <cjschaff@ix.netcom.com>
> >Is it LEGAL?
> > You can even change your Driver's license as we
> >have been granted acceptance for our Title change by 'DVLA', even the
> >Passport Office has accepted our Titles allowing you to change your
> Passport.

> Perhaps someone at the State Department did let this get through.  However
> it is illegal (actually unconstitutional) for any citizen of the United
> States to accept a title of nobility from a foreign country.  That is why
> Americans (especially ex-Presidents) who get inducted into orders in Britain
> are not "knighted," but made "Commanders" or some-such of the order.  It is
> somewhat akin to choosing to be a MSCA instead of a KSCA.
> Of course that begs the question if our accepting of noble titles from the
> Kingdom of Atlantia is illegal...
> Nils

Of course, I may once again be spouting off about something I know very 
little, but it would seem to me that mundane civil authority would be a 
little too busy to be bothered by awards granted by an internal group 
which is not recognized as a foreign power.

Now if, we could only get the prez to recognize us, exchange ambassadors, 
trade agreements, etc., that would really be something! :-)

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