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Poster: rfrey@catbox.win.net (Terry Buyers)
Whom the gods would destroy, they first give computers.
There was an echo between my server and my uplink last night and
multiple copies of the same message went out. That's what I get
for mentioning 'he who should have been killed'. 8-(
Sorry about that...
All outgoing transactions have been killed, and this is being run
manually from my 'other server'. If you get a dupe timed after
this message, I'd appreciate knowing; makes it easier to hunt down
this transient problem.
OTOH: If you only got twenty-odd copies, you are lucky.... such as
it is. Just spent several hours tracking down thousands of dupes
here. You should see my inbasket. And whoever sent me a bunch of
copies of a gif of a can of spam, it was a funny-once. Just took
that much longer to purge the queue.
Again, Sorry about that...
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