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Re: sorry

    Greetings to all.  I have a question, and judging by the recent comments 
on this topic of spelling and syntax and grammar (oh my), it must be either 
really stupid or just naive.  
    What is the point of attacking someone by poking at their spelling and so 
forth?  I have seen it done by strangers to other strangers, by close friends 
to other friends, by peers who should know better, and have yet to see how 
this benefits anyone other than possibly embarrassing the original poster (
which seems to have been the intent) and clogging up the recipients' email 
boxes.  I lived with an English major during college for three years, and was 
often employed to correct her grammar; however when typing I do not always 
check spelling, typos and punctuation and do not consider it high on my list 
of priorities.  I figure that as long as the point is made without too much 
confusion, there is no problem.
    I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the 
apparently misguided impression that our Society was intent on encouraging 
courtesy and chivalry.  Where is the courtesy in this?  I do realize that 
some people express themselves in a rather blunt manner, and that messages 
get sent off when persons are upset, but I am disheartened to see what 
appears to be intentional flaming by so many gentles.
    I realize that bad spelling can be annoying, but don't waste time picking 
at it--build yourself a bridge and get over it!
  Thyra (who did not proofread this post either)
>  Poster: GUNDSPHOTO <GUNDSPHOTO@aol.com>
>  I wish to apologize for for my spelling and syntax. I sent this posting 
> before
>  my  personal editor got home from work.
>  Lord Armond LeCharpentier

-- BEGIN included message

  Greetings to all.  I have a question, and judging by the recent comments on
this topic of spelling and syntax and grammar (oh my), it must be either
really stupid or just naive.  

  What is the point of attacking someone by poking at their spelling and so
forth?  I have seen it done by strangers to other strangers, by close friends
to other friends, by peers who should know better, and have yet to see how
this benefits anyone other than possibly embarrassing the original poster
(which seems to have been the intent) and clogging up the recipients' email
boxes.  I lived with an English major during college for three years, and was
often employed to correct her grammar; however when typing I do not always
check spelling, typos and punctuation and do not consider it high on my list
of priorities.  I figure that as long as the point is made without too much
confusion, there is no problem.

  I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the apparently
misguided impression that our Society was intent on encouraging courtesy and
chivalry.  Where is the courtesy in this?  I do realize that some people
express themselves in a rather blunt manner, and that messages get sent off
when persons are upset, but I am disheartened to see what appears to be
intentional flaming by so many gentles.
  I realize that bad spelling can be annoying, but don't waste time picking at
it--build yourself a bridge and get over it!

Thyra (who did not proofread this post either)

>  Poster: GUNDSPHOTO <GUNDSPHOTO@aol.com>
>  I wish to apologize for for my spelling and syntax. I sent this posting 
> before
>  my  personal editor got home from work.
>  Lord Armond LeCharpentier

-- END included message