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Precedence of Baronies/Shires

Poster: Beverly Robinson-Curry <corvus2@worldnet.att.net>

Good gentles,

I am working on assembling some records for the Triton's office and find
that I have no list of the dates of creation of the baronies and shires
of this kingdom.  This is handy information to know, as sometimes we do
processional marches by Order of Precedence (like at Pennsic's opening

If you know the inception date of your Barony or Shire, please email me
privately.  The inception date would be when your Barony or Shire was
granted full status by the BoD and Crown and was no longer incipient,
not when they first came into being.  I do not need this info for
Cantons or Colleges.

Thank you for your assistance.

Lady Rhiannon ui Neill
Triton Principal Herald
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