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Re: EK: SCAdian computer culture
From: Self <Single-user mode>
To: Self <Single-user mode>
Subject: Re: EK: SCAdian computer culture
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 13:00:34 -0500
From: Self <Single-user mode>
To: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU
Subject: Re: EK: SCAdian computer culture
Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 12:59:10 -0500
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 17:13:03 -0400
To: sca-east@indra.com
From: Nancy Gilly / Philippa Grey <philippa.grey@snet.net>
Subject: EK: SCAdian computer culture
Reply-to: sca-east@indra.com
-Poster: Nancy Gilly / Philippa Grey <philippa.grey@snet.net>
This was posted on the Merry Rose list in Atlantia this morning. I thought
some gentles on the eastern list might find it interesting and/or be
willing to help out Laird Eogan.
>Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 10:46:56 -0500 (EST)
>Subject: SCAdian computer culture
>To: The Merry Rose <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>
>Poster: mn13189@WCUVAX1.WCU.EDU
>Lard Eogan Og Mac Labruinn, to the assembled populace of the Merry Rose,
>I am in the beginning stages of a magazine article about the phenomenon
>(and seeming paradox) about the number of reenactors (SCA in particular)
>who seem to also be computer and high-tech enthusiasts. I would
>appreciate any feedback on this topic, and thought that this would be the
>perfect forum to ask certain questions (seeing as we are all SCAdians with
>computers). Please, if you have the time and are interested, respond to
>any or all of the questions below. Please send them back to me privately,
>so as not to clutter up the list, unless you think that your response
>would interest the populace at large, in which case post to the list.
>Thank you for your assistance.
>1. How did you get involved in the SCA? Were you involved with computers
>before or after you became involved in the society?
>I first learned about the SCA from reading the dust jackets of
fantasy novels, which said such things as "Lloyd Alexander (author)
is active in the SCA". I saw a newspaper article about a demo being
given in our area, and went, and decided to join. I did not get a
computer until after I had been in the SCA for about 10 years.
What do you see as your personal goals and reasons for being involved
>with the SCA (not the purpose of the SCA, Inc.)? Does computer
technology >(Internet, etc.) help you in the accomplishment of these
I am having fun, I am spending time with people I like, I have made
many new friends and learned lots of interesting things, I have been
recognized for my accomplishments by people whose opinions I respect.
What computer technology allows me to do is keep in closer touch
with my friends, and subscribe to news groups which often discuss
topics of interest to me.
> >3. Do you have a web page? More than one? Are these pages
dealing >specifically with the SCA or SCA topics?
I do not have a web page.
> >4. Do you
usually spend much time at SCA events talking about computer >issues?
> >5. In response to number 4, do you think this interferes with the
>atmosphere at events?
>It depends on the event. At the Poulet Gauche Tavern, where
everyone is trying very hard to create the atmoshphere of Calais,
France in 1598, it is intrusive. At most events, it probably would
not bother me.
>6. Hypothetical situation: The rent is due, you
either need to hock your >computer or your (armour, loom, harp, chose
your SCA equipment, etc.). >Which one goes and which one stays?
I would hock my computer. I can always get another, maybe better
computer. My fencing stuff is unique (for the most part). Besides,
the computer would probably bring m,ore money.
> >7. Hypothetical situation: A portal opens to another time and
you have >the opportunity to go back into the past and live as your
persona would >have--but you have to leave all computer technology
behind, no e-mail, no >web surfing, no video games. Would you do it?
(Let's keep this one >focused on the computer issue, and not other
convieneinces of madern >technology such as vaccines or automobiles).
>If I lived in some other time, I would not miss computer technology.
>8. Have you ever taken a lap-top to an event (or a Game-boy or hand held
>video game)?
Was it for business or fun?
>9. Have you noticed any way in which your local group (or kingdom, or the
>SCA in generall) has been hindered, and not helped, by the use of computer
>10. Do you have any other personal thoughts on the fact that so many
>SCAdians who have such an interest in recreating the past and learning and
>teaching the crafts of pre-modern technology have such a strong interest
>in computer technology?
I think you are getting a biased sample here, by only contacting
those who have and use computer e-mail. There are many SCAdians who
do not have computers, or who use them as little as possible. You
could probably also find that many SCAdians read science fiction,
play role playing games, eat in Indian restaurants, have large
eclectic collections of books, are packrats (all of which I've
observed to be characteristic of most of the SCAdians I know).
Briat Mairi Svensdottir, East Kingdom
> >Thank you for any responses to these questions, and feel free to
forward >them to other lists if you think there would be interest.
> "I brought ye to the ring. Now dance best ye can."
> --------------<http://www3.wcu.edu/~mn13189/index.htm>------------
> Matthew Allen Newsome | Lard Eogan Og Mac Labruinn
> curator/historical consultant | Sangster of Scotland&Atlantia
> Scottish Tartans Museum | Chronicler, MSoB
> & Heritage Center | (Militant Society of Bards)
> http://intertekweb.com/tartans/ | Clan Og, SCA
> <tartans@dnet.net> | "IT'S ONLY A GAME!"
> --------------------"Bring Forrit The Tartan"---------------------
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