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Fw: Laurel Acceptances - April 1998

Poster: "Beverly Robinson-Curry" <corvus2@worldnet.att.net>

Here is the info on the submissions Laurel registered at her April 1998
meeting...  Returns are being sent in a separate file.

Rhiannon, Triton

From: Tom Bilodeau <TomB@HCL-JMI.com>
To: 'Rhiannon' <corvus2@worldnet.att.net>
Subject: Laurel Acceptances - April 1998
Date: Friday, April 24, 1998 10:49 AM

Afanasiia Volokhovna. Device. Argent, two wolves combatant sable, a ford

Àine Aislingthech ingen Sorcha. Name and device. Vert, a ferret statant
guardant contourny Or, in chief three crescents argent.
	Submitted as Àine Aislingeach ingen Sorcha, Aislingeach is the modern
form. We have substituted the period form, taken from The Dictionary of
the Irish Language.

Àine Aislingthech ingen Sorcha. Badge. (Fieldless) On a crescent argent
a crux ansata azure.

Alisaundre Quinnye. Device. Vert, on a bend between six roses argent a
cat's face palewise sable.

Angharad of Bright Hills. Device. Azure, on a bend sinister between six
Celtic crosses argent three wolves rampant contourny sable.

Arianna Morgan. Device. Per bend vert and sable semy of pheons inverted,
a bend embattled counter-embattled, in sinister chief a lyre Or.

Astil Alysone Sandilands. Name and device. Checky azure and argent, a
tankard and on a chief embattled sable three natural dolphins haurient

Astrid Thorvardsdatter. Name (see PENDS for device).

Atlantia, Kingdom of. Change of badge for Order of the Nonpareil. Or, a
sword between four towers sable.
	The former badge Argent, a manatee hauriant azure between three hearts
gules. is hereby released.

Atlantia, Kingdom of. Order name for Order of the Hippocampus.

Bran Mac Conraoi. Device. Sable, three wolves rampant, a chief indented

Brendan Mad. Name and device. Per chevron inverted vert and paly vert
and argent, a chevron inverted, in chief a round buckle Or.
	Submitted as Brendan Y Mad, the definite article is not normally used
with adjectival bynames in Welsh, so we have dropped the Y.

Brenna McKenzie. Name and device. Argent, a mountain couped vert
enflamed proper, in chief two harps sable.

Cáelainn inghean uí Ríordáin. Name and device. Per pale sable and
argent, a crescent between three open books counterchanged.
	Submitted as Cáelainn ó Ríordáin, we have corrected the surname to
match the gender of the given name.

Caitríona inghean Ghiolla Phádraig. Name (see RETURNS for device).
	Submitted as Caitríona inghean Ghiolla-Phádraig, we have removed the
superfluous hyphen.

Daniel Davidson. Name and device. Sable, a bear passant, a base indented

Edward le Blanc. Name and device. Argent, a chevron, in chief two
hammers in chevron vert.

Eldred Ælfwald. Device. Azure, three wheels, on a chief argent a dragon
statant azure.

Eldred Ælfwald. Badge. Argent, semy of pine trees couped vert, a tankard
gules foamed Or.

Eldred Ælfwald. Badge. Argent, a wheel, a bordure embattled azure.

Elizabeth the Unknown. Acceptance of transfer of armory from Elizabeth

Elizabeth Unwyn. Release of name and transfer of armory to Elizabeth the

Elspeth Hinds. Name and device. Per bend dovetailed argent and azure, a
hind's head erased and a unicorn's head erased counterchanged.

Eóin Ó hEochaidh. Name and device. Per pale azure and vert, a wolf
sejant ululant between three roundels argent. 

Felina von Behren. Name.
	Submitted as Feline von Behren, no documentation was presented for
Feline. We have substituted the Italian Felina.

Finnr Grimulfsson. Name  (see RETURNS for device).
	Found on the LoI as Finnr Grimolfsson, it was changed in kingdom from
Finnr Grimulfsson, for lack of documentation for Grimulfsson, to an
attested form from Geirr Bassi. However, Grimulf is Danish and found in
Danmarks Gamle Personennavne, cols. 397-398), so we have restored the
name to the originally submitted form.

Gerald Saunders. Name and device. Per fess Or and argent, a dance azure
between two escallops gules and a crescent azure.

Gisele l'Orpheline. Device. Per chevron azure and Or, a natural antelope
courant Or and a turtle rampant vert, a bordure counterchanged.

Graham of the Bright Hills. Name and device. Per fess azure and barry
argent and azure, in chief a thistle Or between a pair of clenched
gauntlets argent. 
	Note: Graham is the submitter's legal given name.

Isabel Grimault. Name.

Ivan Ivanovich Nemytyi. Name and device. Per chevron Or and vert, two
open books azure and a catamont couchant erminois.

Jason Kynslay. Name and device. Checky azure and Or, on a chevron sable
three standing balances Or.
	Submitted as Jason Kinslayer, no documentation was presented for the
form Kinslayer. We have substituted the closest attested form.

Juan Iñigo de Navarra. Name and device. Per pale sable and argent, a
bend sinister between two crosses couped and pierced counterchanged.

Kökö Erdene. Name and device. Gules, on a chevron inverted Or a lozenge

Lyon Filshenri. Change from holding name Lisa Filshenri. 

Marion Rapp. Name.

Megan ni Phádraig. Name and device. Argent, a statant couchant, on a
chief embattled azure three mullets argent.
	Submitted as Megan ni Pádraig, the patronymic needed to be lenited; we
have done so.

Mieszko Zielénski. Name and device. Per fess sable and vert, a fess, in
canton a roundel argent.
	Submitted as Mieszko ten Zielen, no documentation was presented for the
byname as a period form.  We have substituted an attested form which has
the same meaning.

Nottinghill Coill, Barony of. Award name and badge. Award of the Coill's
Guiding Beacon. Per chevron Or and vert, a wake knot issuant from the
line of division vert, a lantern Or.

Nottinghill Coill, Barony of. Badge for the Order of the Gordian Knot.
Vert, two wake knots conjoined in pale Or.

Nottinghill Coill, Barony of. Badge for the Order of the Sword Knot. Per
chevron Or and vert, a wake knot issuant from the line of division vert,
a sword fesswise reversed Or.

Percival Aldridge. Name and device. Quarterly sable and argent, a cross
flory Or between four roses counterchanged.

Ragnachar Radagaist. Name and device. Vert, a serpent in annulo argent.

Richard Storm. Name and device. Sable, a lightning bolt Or and in chief
a cloud argent.

Rowan Berran McDowell. Name and device. Gules, a winged bull rampant
guardant argent between three estoiles of eight rays Or.
	Found on the LoI as Rowan McDowell, it had originally been submitted as
Rowan Berran McDowell, and the Berran had been dropped for lack of
documentation.  Metron Ariston was able to provide suitable
documentation for Berran as a period Scottish place, so we have restored
the name to the originally submitted form.

Snæulf Hrolfsson. Name and device change from Ross Blackwood. Vert, on a
roundel argent a tree eradicated sable, on a base argent a wolf statant
	His former device Vert, on a plate an oak tree eradicated sable, a base
argent., is hereby released.

Sven Olafssen. Name.

Takeda Yoshinaka. Name and device. Azure, on a fan argent a roundel

Thomas Broadpaunch. Name and device. Or, a talbot rampant sable,
maintaining in its mouth a burning brand, in sinister chief a mullet of
eight points gules.

Tobias of Emerickeskepe. Badge. (Fieldless) On a compass star elongated
to base per pale sable and argent within and conjoined to an annulet
gyronny sable and argent a tower Or.
	This badge is to be associated with the Household name House

Tristan FitzGerald. Name.

William of Cathair Daibhidh. Holding name and device ((see RETURNS for
name). Vert, on a bend sinister Or a bow gules, in chief an arrow
bendwise sinister inverted and a base enarched and indented Or.
	The armory was submitted under the name Mæth Storm Crowe. 

Willem of Bruges. Badge. Sable, an amphora, on a chief argent three
flames gules.

Wolf Jade. Name. 

Wulfric Adler. Name and device. Checky gules and argent, a sword
inverted Or, overall an eagle's head erased sable.

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