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Re: Greetings & Fare Well

Poster: Toni Erwin <amerwin@yahoo.com>

Lady Bridgette, 

The area you are moving to is part of Markfailen (SP?) (Sorry, I am
not sure of the spelling I only know how it is pronounced.) I never
had a chance to go to any of their events but several of the members
back home went to events there on a regualar basis, it was popular for
the dancing and the food. It is three hours away from my home Barony
of Thescore (Rochester, NY). While it is cold up there, you will find
the SCA is very strong and there is plenty to keep you busy. There are
more day trip events and less camping than down here, but that and the
*size of the groups are the bigest diffrences. * One city or town is a
Barony instead of half the state. You should have lots of fun. If you
have more questions about the area e-mail me directly and I will be
happy to help were I can. It might take me a few days to answer as I
only have mail from work at the moment but I will get back to you.

 In service to a dream, Lady Bryn Ni MacRose.

> 	In early June I will be settling in Ithaca, NY   (as it is 
> known modernly - anyone know the SCA equivalent? )

> Bridgette Kelly MacLean
> The MacLean of Atlantia
> Mari Stewart
> I'm lost, but I'm making record time
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